How To: Get Grey Hair At Home Using Wella T14 + T18 And 050! This is how she toned her bleached yellow hair to grey at home using the Wella
How To: Go From Yellow Hair To Grey Using Wella 050 Cooling Violet
How To: Go From Yellow Hair To Grey Using Wella 050 Cooling Violet. Toning hair with a mix of Wella Color Charm 050 additive and 20 volume developer. If you
From Brassy to Ash Blonde Using Wella T18 Lightest Ash Blonde
From Brassy to Ash Blonde Using Wella T18 Lightest Ash Blonde. Hey Beauties Today’s video is going to be a tutorial on how I transformed my hair from brassy to
How To: Use Wella 050 Cooling Violet & T14 Pale Ash Blonde On Hair
How To: Use Wella 050 Cooling Violet & T14 Pale Ash Blonde On Hair. She recently dyed her hair with box dye which left a lot of orange tones. Watch