Tutorial on how I achieved this vibrant colour without damaging your hair with bleach. Products used in the video L’Oreal HiColor Magenta Other L’Oreal Hair Colours HiColor Red HiColor Red Hot
Colouring My Texlaxed Hair (NO BLEACH) Using L’Oreal HiColor Magenta
Colouring My Texlaxed Hair (NO BLEACH) Using L’Oreal HiColor Magenta
How I Dye My Hair Red/Purple L’Oreal Magenta
Many people ask me all the time how I get my hair red & what I use so here’s how! 🙂 Products used L’OReal HiColor Magenta L’Oreal Oreor 40 Volume
How I Dye My Hair With L’Oreal Magenta | All about My Colour, Cut, Maintenance
Products Used In This Video : Loreal Hicolor Highlights in Magenta Select your free hair products Other L’Oreal Hair Colours HiColor Red HiColor Red Hot HiColor Intense Red HiColor Magenta